Fortunately, there are far less things to think about when picking a travel stroller than a regular stroller. The travelers can focus on them and their child’s needs during the trip, rather than be worry about the use in a day-to-day basis and everything that includes. Nevertheless, there are some features that are important.
Travel Stroller Size And Weight

This is basically the most important feature when purchasing a travel stroller. How much does it weight and how large is it? You would really want it to be as small as possible while catering for all the other aspects that you need on your trip, such as a recline. It’s vital that the stroller will cause you no trouble when you need to lift it and take it up stairs and you definitely won’t want it to take up too much space in your hotel room.

A basic rule for you should be choosing an umbrella stroller or a stroller specially designed for travel, since in this case they can fold up nice and compactly. In this case, the UPPABaby G-Lite is the best lightweight travel stroller. Since it weighs only 11 pounds, it’s easy to carry both the stroller and your baby/toddler. It also has a standing fold which means that it will stand up by itself making it much easier to store.
A Practical Carry On

An easily foldable stroller with a carry strap is a great choice. It is simpler to use and carry a stroller if you can fold it up really fast (if possible with one hand) and take it easily with you.

When you’re at home, that’s not a major issue since you’ll only fold up your stroller when putting it in the car, when the kid is already in their seat. But when you’re travelling, however, you’ll have to do it several times, possibly with your kid or baggage in one arm.
Also important, finding a stroller that is small enough to be a cabin size, which you can take on board as a carry on. The Maclaren Volo Stroller is great for for parents of various heights and fits taller kids too and it folds up like an umbrella stroller. For transport, it has a built-in shoulder strap.
Don’t Forget About The Storage

Storage baskets are a very useful place to put all the basic items. However, you have to keep in mind that the bigger the basket, the bigger the stroller.

The UPPABaby G-Luxe can be the best travel umbrella stroller for you. It has high performance wheels and is a lightweight stroller at only 15 pounds. It also comes with a great storage basket, sun canopy and a removable, washable seat pad.
Sweet Dreams While On A Stroll

A major feature to take into consideration is the reclining seat. Do you need a reclining seat or not? Strollers that have a reclining seat tend to be more bulky and heavier. But this could totally be worth it if your kid likes to take naps when he/she is in a stroller.

A bigger stroller could be a worthy trade-off so your child can nap while you’re walking down a street or around the city you’re visiting. That’s why the City Tour Baby Jogger could be your pick: it has plenty storage space, shock-absorbent wheels and the seat reclines into an (approximately) lay-flat position. It’s also very easy to close into a flat position thanks to a one-handle pull.