Traveling with a snowboard is not easy, and sometimes it’s not even cheap, so the last thing you need when you land at the airport is to see that your gear is all dinged up. So, it’s vital to keep things such as padding, size, weight and durability in mind when making the investment of buying a snowboard travel bag for your equipment.
It’s All About The Size And Weight

If you’re going to be in and out of airports, you have to consider how heavy your bag will be. Remember that if it goes over 70 lbs it probably won’t be allowed as a carry-on on your flight. Also keep in mind that some bags won’t function as well when they are not completely full, so if you leave some room, the bag will droop over itself.

In case that you want a more compact snowboard travel bag, the Burton Wheelie Gig Snowboard Bag is the best choice. It’s a great wheeled and padded model. The exterior is made of 600D polyester and it has padded handles, a removable shoulder strap, and Burton’s easy-rolling IXION wheels. It even comes with a top pocket to stuff some extra clothing in.
Snowboard Travel Bag Materials

The usual suspects when it comes to the bet materials are polyester and nylon. These tend to be stronger that naturally-occurring fibers and they tend to be even cheaper. It’s also really strong with means that it will hold the weight of your equipment way easier than other fabrics.

For the rider that wants the best, the correct choice is the Ride Perfect Snowboard Bag. This bag is made of super hard-wearing 840D polyester with a TPU coating that makes it weatherproof. It has an access panel on the top lid and all the external zippers are covered to keep the weather out. It can fit boards up to 170 along with boots, bindings, outerwear, and even some clothing if you want.
Make Sure It Is Durable

When choosing a bag, durability is a major factor. One thing that will help durability is being waterproof. A bag that does not have this quality it will have difficulties for you, especially if you are walking in a region where it is raining or snowing, and it’ll be even worse if you store it on the roof of a car, since it’ll make all of your other equipment wet, and it could ruin the board as well.

The High Sierra Deluxe Single Ski Bag is a great choice. It is constructed of nylon fabric, which adds to durability and strength, so it can endure a lot of usages. In the case of air travel, it comes with a padding in the center of the bag to protect the snowboard during baggage checking.
Don’t Forget About The Padding

If you’re thinking of traveling by air, you have to get a padded snowboard travel bag. There is always a probability that the airline baggage crew will drop it on the floor, so you should check for bags that have 5mm and 10mm polypropylene foam added for durability and protection. Some bags come with padding in certain areas to prevent punctures.

The Burton Wheelie Gig is a great pick for anyone that wants a wheeled, padded bag. And good news: the bag is not bulky at all which means that it’s not awkward to carry. This model has padded handles and plastic reinforcements around the wheels. The interior has plenty space for the board, boots and outwear.